Good morning!
Ida Kallio started in Solar Films at the age of 15, on 13.12.2004, doing her high school internship. After that, she spent her holidays working for Solar and started as a regular in March 2008. The tenth anniversary of her internship starting date was in December 2014.
She is in the front row, in the heart of everything, on the timeline of several overlapping productions, from the beginning to the end, time after time, in the meetings, on the phone, in social media – she organizes premieres, proof-reads, walks Fiji (Markus’s dog), puts things in order, licks them to shape, orders, coordinates, takes part – she is a major and versatile part of practically EVERYTHING what happens in Solar; what goes in and what goes out.
You never know what’s going to happen today, who you’re going to see. On a quiet day there’s only a few colleagues in the office, on a busy day there can be twenty and more.
Open the mail, put the groceries to where they belong, a cup of coffee, end titles of a movie, a registered letter – one outgoing, one incoming – (do you have a second?), the brandy show of the new year, onwards like a hurricane, the posting of the invoices, I was walking past and popped in to check you out, order the courier service, I can do that, welcome the visitors, hi and welcome, there we are, the coffee must be ready by now, let’s put the new dvd’s in the mail, the teaser is out, What’s for lunch today?, the e-mails are piling in, the fingers dance on the keybad as the jewelry is rattling, tap tap, a gala premiere invitation, but of course we’ll go there, I’ll take part avec, fine, thank you, update the production info, open all the doors and windows, there’s no oxygen in here, a marketing meeting, I’m-constipated-do-you-have-something-for-that?, to the post office, the Audio Archives need some material, this is going to straighten Iippana’s hurly-curlies out, the seating order of the Jussi Gala, the receipt show, no, this is not a movie theater, this is a production office, a visa application, the travel package, oh, you have a sick child with you today and you have a dog well just give them to me I’ll look after them no problem, media info, the screening, are you the girl with the hair from The Voice of Finland?, the change call sheet has arrived, let’s get the hard copies to the set,

Your computer hard drive is almost full, lunch anyone?, Pianissimo, Dansan, Voi Pojat, Blue Peter, the K-supermarket, the front or the back Chink?, anything goes, a wonderful call from a nice colleague, this is the way to get things done, is any of the cars free for a second?, a memo (could you?), no, we don’t want to order any solar system power panels, no, we don’t manufacture them either, thank you, good bye, Ibutzki (could you take care of this?), a wrap party, let’s scan this, What’s the time in LA now?, update the webpages, transcription, oh here’s the new version of the screenplay, let’s print it out, thank you for your interest in our company, Aida, can you comment on the end of the screenplay and on the characters, if you could do that like immediately it would be awesome, let’s try to find this rare book in the antique shops, this-is-not-my-favorite-juice (could you do that?), put the Xmas lights on the cypresses outside, making of, Idaho, selection of the still photos, at what price could I get a room for him for tonight?, a new poster on the wall and window, Iiduli, the international film festival, it’s cold in here and the rain is coming through the windows, change the tyres, this is one of those Sherlock Holmes-type-of-situation, synopsis, but of course, a-cleaning-the-garden-work-party, the indexing of the e-mails did’t work, royalties, right away, of course (are you busy right now?), a music video, let’s have a meeting, compulsory, the premiere party, yes, I’d like to confirm the preliminary flight booking, the festival catalogue needs some information, OK we’ll deliver, Iidalainen, accept the materials, you can submit your application via e-mail, a new production for development, hi is Masi around?, the power of attorney to transfer a cell phone subscription, I’d like to book a table for Wednesday, someone has lit a bonfire on the yard, How many people are coming?, the trailer has been published, look at the amount of new followers in Instagram, there is a package at the customs, it’s a PR function, To whom this may concern, the principal photography starts tomorrow, we’re doing fine, thanks, it’s Ida who takes care of it all (almost). #ilovemyjob
See you tomorrow, I’ll finish this at home!
Ida Kallio